10 Things You Shouldn’t Do The Night Before Your Wedding

To ensure your wedding day runs as smoothly as possible, do not under ANY circumstances do these things the night before your wedding... Trust us, we've done the research and you'll be pleased you steered clear of these pre-wedding no-no's. 

Get Drunk 

This is an obvious one but a lot of brides and grooms can get caught up in the pre-wedding excitement with their 'maids and groomsmen the night before. A hangover on your wedding day certainly isn't ideal, so keep the alcohol to a limit. It's also wise not to drink caffeine after around midday too, to ensure you slip soundly off to sleep with ease.

Squeeze Spots 

Just don't do it. We know the urge to get rid is tough to resist, but you WILL regret it. Instead, invest in a good spot clearing product (like Dermalogica's amazing Overnight Clearing Gel) then your make-up artist will do the rest the morning of. It's always better to calm a blemish than irritate one!

Dye Your Hair 

You want to look your best on your wedding day, but colouring the night before could have unexpected results, with no time to fix. To avoid any dye disasters, book in with your salon a few weeks before, so that the fresh colour has time to settle and look natural.

Eat A Heavy Meal 

The last thing you want is a big dinner sitting on your stomach the night before your wedding, making you feel bloated. Opt for a light meal of fresh veggies or salad with some chicken or fish, so you'll sleep easy and have a nice flat stomach for the morning.

Go To Bed Late 

Your wedding day will be one of the best days of your life. It will also feel like one of the longest too. So you'll want to be completely refreshed for the day of activity. An hour before you want to drift off put on a scented candle and some calming music, then try spritzing a little Deep Sleep Pillow Spray from This Works (£18) onto your bed, before blowing the candle out and slipping on a silky eye mask and falling into a deep sleep.

Leave Beauty Needs To The Last Minute 

If you're choosing to wax, fake tan, have a manicure and pedicure - get these done over the few days before your wedding. Facials and waxing can leave redness, so leave a few days to a week to let this calm, fake tan should be done a few days before so you can see how it looks then mani and pedi a few days before - then it's all done and you can relax.

Do Any Last Minute Wedding Tasks 

At this point, you need to let friends, family or a wedding planner take over any last-minute wedmin. So any remaining details that need tying up, write a list and hand it over. Including a list of your suppliers and contact details. You'll be so happy you did the day after.

Change Your Skincare Routine 

It would be less than ideal to have breakouts or an allergic reaction on your wedding day, due to new products you haven't tried before. Stick to your tried and tested routine. If you want to try new products, the best time is in your make-up trial. If you're doing your own wedding day make-up, make sure you're trialling at least a month before.


If you and your partner have decided on a destination wedding, it's easy to embrace the holiday vibes of the trip. But be careful in the sun! You don't want to be sore and sunburnt the day of your wedding, so stay in the shade and top up on the factor 30+, especially on the face.

Have Sex 

Ok, so we're not saying this is a total no-no, but to increase suspense for your wedding night, save up that passion for each other to make it even better on the night. If you're going traditional, you won't even see your groom the night before anyway, so this one will be easy. 

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